Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yuri's Journal - Egyptian Vacation

(Some of the pictures were taken with walls down to show the most of the area Yuri is in at any given moment, so the full effect of the tomb is somewhat lost. Also, this solves the puzzles of the tomb behind the base camp, so if you're not interested in the spoiler, you might want to skip it. :) Frankly, the simplicity of the area is such that I'm sure even my pictures can't spoil it. -Lachesis)

Yuri's Vacation Journal

I had a wish to take the family on vacation. As lead guitarist I get quite a few days off, so off we went to Egypt.

After landing at the base camp, we took off directly for the market place to see what we could see and buy supplies in case we needed them.

For whatever reason, Aiden spent the entire time in the pool. I had no idea he was that fond of swimming, I guess we need to put the pool in the backyard I'd been thinking of when we had the house built. Leta bought a cookbook and then proceeded to stick her nose in every book she could find at the market.

Me, I decided to look around.

I stumbled on a stone shaped like a key and then found this stone in the wall the key-shaped stone would fit. When I hefted the thing up to the stone on the wall and pushed it in, I was covered by a blue light pulsating from it.

The chain on the door next to me disappeared, and in I went only to find a really cool treasure.

Once I took the treasure and found my way back up, it was getting late, so off we went back to the base camp where Leta and I shared a tent and Aiden had his own.

The next day I was dying to explore the tomb behind the base camp, so the three of us went in, but when I reached the bottom of the steps the door above me closed and locked me down there by myself. The skeleton in the pile of sand in the corner did nothing to make me feel better, mind you.

There was nothing to do but press forward in hopes of finding a way out. I moved through the only opening in sight only to find another locked door, a chest and another of those stones in the wall, this time shaped like a crescent moon. I found the keystone in the chest and put it in the stone on the wall; the door opened.

There was nowhere to go it was just a room, but I stepped on the square with the footprints and discovered it was a floor switch which opened a stairway.

Oh good, another skeleton; but also another floor switch. You know, now that I think of it, I should have taken a better look at that skeleton, maybe he had something cool on him. Dang, well, if we ever go back...

This time it opened the door in front of me and onward I went. Another floor switch, but this one didn't stay down when I stepped on it, so I needed something else. Oh good, the statue moves, so by pulling and pushing I was able to get it in place.

Through the door I found another room. This time another no step on switch and three statues. I had to find the one that moved. Once I shoved it in place, a step on switch appeared in the floor behind me.

This led me to an empty room except for another chest. I opened it and stairs appeared behind me. Finally, I'm hoping for a way out; but first, is that a secret panel in the wall? Just out of curiosity, I push on it.

It is, and other chest. This one was filled with an ancient relic.

I took the stairs, stepped on the pressure plate and out I went, the door back to my family had finally opened back up. Hours had passed, and they were starved, tired and worried.

Hey, look who I saw in the men's john.

So that was my great adventure. We did other things during our three days, but for the most part, they were just wandering around getting a feel for the place. Someday, we may go back and stay longer, but really, I think Leta and Aiden were bored since they spent most of their time reading.

Oh, and be sure to dress appropriately for where you're going before you leave home, because we couldn't find anywhere to change out of our hot clothes. Leta seemed to be the only one who came close to having the proper clothing.


Mao said...

Knowing that you're a big Tomb Raider fan, I didn't think you'd be impressed with the tombs, LOL. Husband and I agree--a blind monkey could do them. He likes directional based gameplay, so he likes it. Me... what's the point of doing a tomb you already did on one character with another one? You know them all, the mystery is gone.

Haven't gone to Egypt yet, still messing with China (my favorite, so far). Doing that next, though! I want the high quality camera. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Mao, um, no I don't think they even equal the early levels of Tomb Raider, LOL. They do remind me of some of the really simple Adventure Company games I've played. But I'm intrigued enough to go through them once, I keep wondering what's behind the next door. Like those Adventure Company games, I'm sure they're not going to have a tremendous amount of replay value, but I do think they'll still make a halfway decent vacation spot and they do offer things you can't get in the base game 'hoods, so...

I've always said even TS2 isn't just one EP, it's the sum total of all of them. I never cared for Uni, but I wouldn't take it out, and I love sending my kids through, it just rounds out the whole experience. I expect this to do the same.

I've been to France, but I fiddled around and didn't get through the tomb Beryl went through before I was whisked back to the 'hood, so I need to go back. I did very little in Egypt - three days really isn't much - and I haven't gone to China yet.

It's keeping me interested for now, but I'm sure I'll get bored before long. :) My husband also called it lame, he, too, is used to the other games I play.

Anonymous said...

Wow! The Sims 3 World Adventures looks really fun! Is it worth it, though? I want to get it, but I don't know if it's actually that good. They look amazing, though.
Leta's so pretty! Yuri and Leta are so cute.
Can you upload Leta? I want her and her cuteness!

- Cathy :]

Anonymous said...

Wow! The Sims 3: WA looks amazing! I wanna get it, but is it worth it?
Leta and Yuri are adorable! :]
Can you upload Leta? She's just so pretty! Probably her and Yuri are probably one of the cutest sim couples ever. :]

- Katherine

goodbye_sun said...

This reminds me so much of Castaway stories, which is entertaining enough when you go through it, but I can't see much in the replay happening. It will be interesting to see if it is any different once all the levels are unlocked, but from what I have seen so far it looks pretty, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Nice! World Adventures looks really fun! I don't think I've actually commented on your blogs, but they're great! Leta and Yuri are a cute couple. Yuri's pretty attractive, and so is Leta. If it's not too much of a hassle, can you upload Leta? She's really pretty! Thank you. :]

- Michelle

Unknown said...

Hey Cathy! One thing I always say about EP's for the Sims is every one has something to add to the overall experience and WA is no exception to that. I'm finding it very interesting because I love puzzle games and it is that. There's always the question of what's behind the next door, what's in that chest, or what's in that hole. I've been playing it straight since I got it on Tuesday, even ignoring my writing which I shouldn't be doing. And, as always, there are added objects. Also new traits, favorites, music and interactions. I think it's worth it if you're a fan of TS3.

Thank you about Leta, I have her packaged, I'm looking into options to do uploading. I have a couple of TS2 sets I've wanted to upload, so I guess now may be the time. I'll post here when I have it all figured out. :) As to Yuri, he came with Riverview. He's married, has two kids and lives with his mother-in-law, no wonder the first interaction he had with Leta was to flirt with her. :)

Unknown said...

You know, goodbye_sun, from what I've heard of Castaway, you're right. Levels are unlocked along the way, Galen my adventurer is now able to stay at any locale for 8 days - it starts with 3. It is interesting the first time through when all is unknown, I don't know what will happen when I bring other Sims through. I do have one that's a coward and afraid of the dark, now she might just be good for a laugh to take through a tomb. She was burgled and fainted, I can only imagine what she'd do in Egypt. :) Hum, that might just be fun...

Unknown said...

Hey Michelle - thank you, I'm glad you like! WA is certainly more interesting than the base game, but that's very typical of the Sims franchise. Leta and Yuri are just about my favorite couple, and it scares me to think Yuri's actually an EA creation. =:0

As I mentioned to Cathy, I'm looking into options to set some things up for download. I'll let you know.