Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sireta's Blog - My First Day

(This is Sireta Aren's blog, an account of starting out in a new home far from where she grew up.

It's a case where I play the game and tell the story, so I have no idea whatsoever what's going to happen. So, if you're interested in storytelling, the Sims 3 or both, follow along with Sireta and me as we check out what EA has given us. I'm not using cc, pose boxes, or a preplanned story. I haven't turned off the plumbbob, headers or balloons. It's just what comes out of the box. I'm even using the in-game camera. -Lachesis)

I’ve never done anything like this before, but what the hell. People are doing blogs all over the place. For the time being, I’m doing this from the library because I don’t have a computer at home, I can’t afford one.

Me? I’m Sireta Aren and I live on Dagon. I just completed my last session with the Guildmasters of Science. I’m unusually young to have done so, I’ve only seen eighteen springs. I’ve completed in two years what would normally take five. Yes, I’m a genius, lucky me.

I’m also a loner, perfectionist, lucky and a hopeless romantic. Aren’t I just blessed by the Spirits?

Let’s see, my favorite music is pop, but I don’t have a radio, so much for that. I adore key lime pie and my favorite color? Hot pink, hot damn.

I’ve just moved from the inner mountain region of Tyr (also known as Dragon Island because of its shape) to the northeast coastal town of Perseus. Such an insane change. Not to mention, I’ve left my entire family behind.

Okay, so I bought this tiny house on this tiny piece of land and have furnished as best I can. I even bought a bike so I wouldn’t have to put gas in a car. Magique would be nice, but very few people on Tyr know magique, and I believe it’s unheard of here in Perseus.

What you see behind me is my total living space, so first things first, a job.

Well, thank the Spirits, there was a job today for the position of Organ Donor – just perfect – that will get me started in the medical career I so want to excel in.

With nothing better to do, I decided to wander around the town for a bit. Try to get to know the area and the people.

Seriously, could that baby be uglier? Talking to Yumi, I found her boring. This does not bode well for my first day.

I stopped and talked with Bella Bachelor for a few minutes, without a doubt this entire town was hit with the ugly stick. I don’t think there’s any chance of meeting Mr. Right here. Although, I’m still younger than most people starting out, so I have plenty of time.

I have to admit, it’s quite beautiful here and what few people I’ve seen are very friendly.

I went to the park and saw a guy who at least didn’t completely look like he’d been hit with the same ugly stick as the rest of the town playing chess, so I decided to join him. We spoke very little, just enough to pass names. I must have been too good for him, though, because I looked up from concentrating on the board to find him gone. Without a word. Hum...

Okay, cool. Did I say there was no magique? Well, I guess the taxi companies know some because they teleport you into and out of the cabs.

I’ve heard tales of werewolves living in the forest regions of Tyr, I’ve never been near a forest so I wouldn’t know, but with a moon like that, I have to wonder. What do you suppose it looks like when you can see both moons at once?

Shit, burnt mac and cheese, now that just sucks, but I can’t afford to throw it out, so I’ll just have to eat it. Then off to bed as tomorrow’s my first day of work.


thewynd said...

I have to say that out of all the sims I have seen from S3, yours is at least somewhat easy on the eyes. I really look forward to her adventures for the story value alone!

Unknown said...

Hey Gayl, I wish I could say making her look that way was easy. :D I'm hoping I can make something of this story that will be interesting at least. I'm going to try to perk up the lack of things to do at the moment, but at least I *can* keep her busy all the time doing things besides reading books to build skills. :D

S.B. said...

I'm not sure what the graphics remind me of, some kind of bizarre cartoon I guess. As pretty as the scenery is, there's even something about the way the hills look - I don't know. It's disconcerting.

At any rate, I know I'll enjoy following Sireta around the place - she's not anywhere near as strange looking as the rest of them!

thewynd said...

The colors seem nice, the moon is lovely. But I still don't like the lack of realism in the characters themselves. *shrug*

Sireta however looks better than most as I mentioned before.

Unknown said...

S.B. :D It is cartoony. I'll admit, I had to turn some settings down farther than I wanted to or my fan goes constantly. The game still moves fine with everything on high, but the fan drives me crazy. I believe the distance draw is down one notch from high as is the tree detail. But really, one notch shouldn't make that much overall difference.

No, Sireta's not too bad, but the guy I spent forever trying to come up with is another matter. =:0 And you can choose from three voices and then adjust the pitch to higher and lower. Since he's a bit muscular and an athlete, I thought I'd make it lower, thinking deeper. No, now he sounds like Raymond's brother and I can't change it! :/

Unknown said...

Gayl, The colors are very vivid, especially in the flowers, but as I've said it before, Sims 3 can't hold a candle to Sims 2 for most things, especially realism. At this point, I'll never get a Sim that looks like the Vampire in the Sunset prompt over at Falderal. I'm definitely not giving up Sims 2 for my main stories. A play along rambling is one thing, but my main storylines need to keep the look I've already established. Maybe in five years if cc can ever be worked out, then Sims 3 might work.